Rural India has one of the highest childbirth mortality rates for both mother and child. How can we change this?
I joined this project at the refinement stage of the OpenIDEO design process, working with the Swasthya Sahki (Health Buddy) team to create a low tech wearable that links expectant mothers with their medical records.
In just four weeks, we took the basic idea and produced a functioning prototype with records retrievable via generated QR Code.

bangle assembly


App Prototype
The handmade bangle has been designed to allow production by the local community, with materials they already work with, using tools they already have.
The bangle is a blank canvas that can be personalised as the wearer desires, and once the bangle has been used (i.e the mother has given birth and baby has had the required checkups), the mother can pass on the bangle to another expectant mother.
The next expectant mother can then add her own decoration, making the bangle a symbol of care in the community.

the full OpenIDEO project by the Swasthya Sakhi team