Role: Industrial Designer
Company: GX
Client: Procare
Year: 2023
Company: GX
Client: Procare
Year: 2023
Write and Wipe is a hair colouring trolley by Procare, for use in hair salons. Featuring a removable disposal bin for recycling hair foils and a high quality acrylic top that allows you to write on it and wipe away afterwards.

with Simply Cut foil dispenser

The name Write and Wipe comes from the fact that users can write the dye formula or other notes directly on the acrylic top with the supplied wipable pen. This writing functionality was Procare's idea.
The clear, thick acrylic top was chosen to give a glass-like quality. Large, deep cutouts hold the premium tint bowls and provide a place to securely store the bin, so it stays in place when being moved around. Unlike Procare's original hair trolley (below left), Write and Wipe features a removable bin which makes emptying the bin of foils far easier.
The elegant, visually lightweight frame was designed to envelope the removable bin - and its matte finish, in black or gold, contrasts with the glossy acrylic top.
The visually symmetrical design of the trolley, with its frame and rounded corner top, gives the product a fluid and more accessible feel, compared to the original trolley below.

The aim was to retain the original features of the hair trolley (left) such as the bin for foils, the tubular frame and acrylic top, while improving the user experience and combining it with a more high end aesthetic.
© Procare